Here are given some traditional Halloween party
fun game ideas.
Traditional Halloween games are enjoyed by people just for the sake of celebrating the old Celtic times. They have been around for so long that they bring back nostalgic memories of past Halloweens as well. The traditional games were more centered on the harvest, rather than the trick or treating involved in the contemporary Halloween activities. A lot of these games were played with apples. And many of these traditional Halloween games revolve around fortune-telling and are played till date, to predict the future.
A Halloween party would seem incomplete without playing some of the traditional Halloween games as everyone loves these old Halloween classics. There are board games such as 'Halloween Word Scramble' and games that make for simple fun as people look silly playing them, such as 'Bobbing for Apples' and 'Snapping at Apples'. Some minor improvisations to these games can make them more interesting and challenging. In fact, even a little change can make a huge difference to the game and make it extremely enjoyable for the guests.
'Pass the Orange' is one of the popular traditional Halloween games, suitable for couples or very small kids. There are other games improvised to suit the holiday such, as pinning the 'Wart on Witch'. 'Haunted House' is another perfect game for Halloween and spookier than all the other games too. Reading 'Fortune in Coffee Cup' is an interesting party activity too, which goes best with the 'Gypsy' theme of Halloween party. Want to know more about these traditional Halloween games? Then, just go through this section on Halloween games.
Bobbing For Apples
Bobbing for Apples is, arguably, the most popular of all the traditional Halloween games. The actual roots of the game are still debated. Some maintain that the game comes from the Roman goddess Pomona, while others say that its roots can be traced to the Celtic Pagan religious festival Samhain, in which families used to gather for a community feast.
Halloween Word Scramble
Word Scramble is a fun and challenging game to play at Halloween, which tests your vocabulary at the same time. In fact, this game can also be played at the school Halloween parties also, as it's certain that children are going to love the challenge. The best part is that the game doesn't require any accessories or a lot of space, like the other Halloween games.
Haunted House
Haunted House game is popularly played amongst adults, on the night of Halloween. For this game, you have to choose a lonely house. Ruins, houses with their own ghost stories, houses near places known as haunted, houses that have not been lived in for few months or years and houses near graveyards and cemeteries are the best sites for 'Haunted House' game.
Pass The Orange
'Pass the Orange' is a simple game adapted to the theme of Halloween. It would prove to be a perfect game for small children and also work well in an adult Halloween party. With minor improvisations in the game, it can be made very interesting and extremely fun to play.
Snapping at Apples
'Snapping at Apples' is, yet another, interesting apple game that can be played on Halloween. It is great fun to play and is especially liked by children. It also gives the participants an opportunity to win exciting prizes. The game is an improvisation on the game 'Bobbing for Apples'.
Wart On Witch Halloween Game
'Wart on Witch' game is meant especially for toddlers and is highly entertaining for them. Witches have fascinated toddlers ever since they first heard the story about the ugly looking witch who had magical powers. Children will simply love to play this interesting game and you can also keep them busy on the Halloween party by engaging them in this fun activity.