Nativity scenes are traditional mediums through which the birth of Jesus Christ and Christianity is depicted to the public. Read on to know more of its relevance to Christmas.
Nativity Scenes
It is important to remember and represent the birth of Jesus Christ while celebrating Christmas. This is artistically done in many countries around the world, in the form of three-dimensional pantomime settings, portraying the birth of Christ in a typical Nativity scene environment. These are three-dimensional figures, paintings, movies or skits that are played out for the public, narrating the story of the birth of Jesus Christ complete with the cattle, the Magi, the shepherds, the parents i.e. Mary and Joseph and the angels. Apart from just portraying the birth of Infant Jesus, nativity scenes can also depict various dioramas portraying different instances from the life of Jesus Christ. Homes around the world erect figures or put up paintings during Christmas to celebrate the joyous moment of Jesus entering the world and the inception of Christianity. Relatives, family and friends get together every year to set up cribs and sing Christmas carols to rejoice this historical moment. Scroll down for more info.
History Of Nativity Scenes
The commencement of the nativity scenes began in the early 13th century AD in a town called Greccio situated in Italy. St. Francis of Assisi believed in placing emphasis on the traditions and the story behind Christmas rather than the materialistic festivities such as gift-giving. He staged a live pantomime in a nearby cave that featured real life human beings and animals depicting the various Biblical characters present during the birth of Jesus Christ. The scene staged by St. Francis went on to become popular and was adopted by Kingdoms and other Catholic countries around the world.
Nativity Scenes And The World
There are different variations in the depiction of Nativity Scenes in a number of countries, but the typical story or base is always adhered to. Some of these are now represented in malls, schools and homes during Christmas and are made out of many interesting materials. Legos, toy figures, ceramic and wood are popular materials used to build nativity crsches. All over the world, Christians build or denote two different types of nativity scenes; one is the static scene and the other one is a living scene. Either way, both are popular and capture the true Christmas spirit.
Static Nativity Scenes
A static nativity scene is usually erected indoors, but if the nativity scene is large in size and is used to attract a crowd, it can also be placed outdoors. These are made out of artificial figurines of Mary, Joseph, infant Jesus, angels, the Magi, shepherds and the nativity animals. Static nativity scenes are easy to make and pack away once Christmas has passed. However, in a few churches around the world, nativity scenes are kept on display for a long time. These can be arranged in any particular manner depicting various gospels or biblical events from the life of Jesus Christ.
Living Nativity Scenes
Pantomimes are given a special, personal touch if they are followed and re-created by human beings the way it was done by St. Francis in the early 13th century. Human performers dress up as biblical characters and real animals such as donkeys, ox and other cattle are made to depict the nativity scene.
Nativity scenes are extremely popular all around the world and children get a real life, educational value out of them as they can actually see a biblical event being depicted as a party of the merriment of Christmas or get to be a part of it. Whatever the choice, people have always kept up with this tradition, safeguarding the true spirit of the festival.