Hymns are chanted during the festive season of Christmas, to invoke Lord Jesus Christ. Explore the article and get the lyrics of Christmas hymns.
Christmas Hymns
Christmas is celebrated with religious fervor by people following Christianity. For them, it is the most auspicious occasion of a calendar year. Like most of the festivals that have transnational importance, Christmas has also been commercialized. In the present time, celebrating Christmas is all about spending on festoons, cakes, parties, clothes and gifts. Nonetheless, the religious aspects of the festival still haven't faded away completely. In many countries of the world, people still commemorate the birth of Lord Jesus Christ by following all the traditions and rituals that have been associated with it. Hymns are chanted to invoke the Almighty and seek his blessings, on Christmas. In this article, we have provided the lyrics for Christmas hymns.
Christmas Hymn Lyrics
A Babe Is Born
A Babe is born, all of a maid,
To bring salvation unto us;
No more are we to sing afraid,
Veni Creator Spiritus.
At Bethlehem, that blessed place,
The Child of bliss then born He was;
Him aye to serve, God give us grace,
O Lux beata Trinitas.
There came three kings out of the East,
To worship there that King so free;
With gold and myrrh and frankincense,
A solis ortus cardine.
The shepherds heard an angel cry,
A merry song that night sang he,
"Why are ye all so sore aghast?"
Iam lucis orto sidere.
The angel came down with a cry,
A fair and joyful song sang he,
All in the worship of that Child,
Gloria Tibi Domine.
Amy Grant
Praise to God whose love was shown
Who sent his Son to Earth
Jesus left his rightful throne
Became a man by birth
The virgin's baby son
All creation praised Him
God incarnate come
Come to Bethlehem
Still a higher call had He
Deliverance from our sins
Come to set all people free
From Satan's hold within
For by the sin of man we fell
By the Son of God
He crushed the power of hell
Death we fear no more
Now we stand with strength, with power
The sons of God on earth
Faithful to the final hour
Christ's righteousness our worth
And now all praise is given
For the babe, the Son
The Savior King is risen
Christ is Lord indeed
For the babe, the Son
The Savior King is risen
Christ is Lord indeed
All Praise To Thee, Eternal Lord
All praise to Thee, Eternal Lord,
Clothed in a garb of flesh and blood;
Choosing a manger for Thy throne,
While worlds on worlds are Thine alone.
Once did the skies before Thee bow;
A virgin's arms contain Thee now,
While angels, who in Thee rejoice,
Now listen for Thine infant voice.
A little Child, Thou art our Guest,
That weary ones in Thee may rest;
Forlorn and lowly is Thy birth;
That we may rise to Heaven from earth.
Thou comest in the darksome night
To make us children of the light;
To make us, in the realms divine,
Like Thine own angels round Thee shine.
All this for us Thy love hath done;
By this to Thee our love is won;
For this we tune our cheerful lays,
And sing our thanks in ceaseless praise.