Find out the traditional side dishes for
Thanksgiving feast, Thanksgiving table traditional menu and side
dishes for Thanksgiving dinner.
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States, whereas in Canada, people observe the festival on the second Monday of October. The entire festival is spent amidst merry-making, get-togethers and parties. During the popular Thanksgiving dinner, the side dishes occupy as important a place as the main course itself, which is the roasted turkey. These side dishes constitute a combination of some traditional as well as non-traditional items, without which the meal can be considered as almost incomplete.
Many of the traditional Thanksgiving dishes have their recipes being passed down from one generation to the other, with little external influence. The little changes seen are due to the intermingling and mixing of different cultures. Among the traditional dishes, the most popular ones are sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, rice, casseroles, salads, cornbread, cranberry sauce, sauerkraut and pies. The non-traditional ones mainly include macaronis, potato salad, beans, and baked pumpkins and so on. These non traditional dishes vary according to the region in which Thanksgiving is celebrated and the availability of food materials in these regions.
The three most common traditional side dishes for Thanksgiving Feast, along with the roasted turkey, as the main course are cornbread, cranberry sauce, and mashed potatoes. These three dishes are major aspects of the traditional Thanksgiving side dishes and are regarded as important aspects of the meal. To help you in your Thanksgiving preparations this year, we have brought quick and easy recipes for each of these side dishes. However, you can add more side dishes on your Thanksgiving table, according to your tastes and contemporary trends.
Cornbread Recipe
Cornbread is a popular food item in the United States and constitutes an important part of the cultural cuisine of the country. It is particularly regarded as the staple food in the South and the South-west zones of the country. There are different varieties of cornbread prepared all round the world. This includes the baked varieties, corn pones, hot-water cornbread, johnnycakes and hushpuppies.
Cranberry Sauce Recipe
Cranberries and Thanksgiving are almost considered inseparable and the festive dinner is incomplete without the incorporation of recipes containing these sweet delicacies. Ever since the historic Thanksgiving feast in the year 1623, cranberries have appeared alongside the turkey on almost every festive table.
Mashed Potatoes Recipe
An important side-dish during the festive Thanksgiving meal is mashed potato. Smashed, mashed or creamed, potatoes can add flavor to your celebratory dinner. However, choosing the right type of potato for preparing the dish is very important. If not chosen properly, the essence and texture of the entire dish can be soiled.
Cranberry Salsa Recipe
Thanksgiving is a popular festival celebrated all over the world and is observed on the fourth Thursday of November. Originally a typical American holiday Thanksgiving evokes family reunions, football, story-telling and delicious feasts complete with the conventional roasted, stuffed turkey and mouth-watering side dishes.
Roasted Oven Vegetables
Thanksgiving is an important American holiday and has gained popularity all over the world. When you think of Thanksgiving, you think of exuberant feasts, football, pumpkin pie and of course, the tales of the colonists and the Wampanoag Natives Americans. This ancient ritual has grown into a modern holiday and is celebrated with gusto throughout
Sausage And Kale Dressing
Thanksgiving is an important American holiday and is feted all over the world. The centerpiece of the contemporary Thanksgiving festival is the Thanksgiving feast. Apart from football and traditional stories of the Wampanoag Native Americans, all households give importance to feasting during Thanksgiving.