Check out when is Thanksgiving falling in 2021
When is Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the popular harvest festival of United States. Historically, the festival had only the religious dimension attached to it. However, gradually, it has been gaining a secular dimension too. It is celebrated not only in United States, but in other countries as well, though by different names and in different time of the year. Talking about the US, on Thanksgiving Day, many people like to visit New England, where the Pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving, while others participate in family gatherings, to share the love, joy, togetherness and blessings of God.
'When is Thanksgiving?' This is a popular query asked by people, about the holiday. In 1789, George Washington declared the last Thursday of November to be celebrated as the Thanksgiving Day. However, in 1949, the United States Congress officially declared that the fourth Thursday of November will be celebrated as Thanksgiving holiday, irrespective of the fact whether it is the last Thursday or not. Generally, there is a four day weekend in the United States during the festival. The Friday that falls next to the Thanksgiving Day is popularly known as "Black Friday".
People take Thanksgiving Day as an opportunity to thank Almighty for all his grace and mercy, showered in the form of bountiful harvest. The year-long hard work and toil is celebrated on this occasion. The holiday has traditionally been observed in the countries of the United States of America and Canada. However, while U.S. celebrates Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November, Canada celebrates it on the second Monday in October. In the year 2021, Thanksgiving will be celebrated on Thursday Nov 25 in Canada, while in USA it will be celebrated on 28 November.
Thanksgiving 2021 : Thursday Nov 25