People greet each other on Thanksgiving Day by sending SMS via mobile phone. Check out for information about Thanksgiving SMS in the following article.
Thanksgiving SMS
Thanksgiving Day is traditionally being celebrated to thank Lord for good harvest and for all boons he bestowed upon mankind for the year. The celebration is very popular in countries like US and Canada. In the US, Thanksgiving is celebrated on fourth Thursday in November month and in Canada, it is celebrated on second Monday in October month. On this day, families and friends gather together for sumptuous meal. People prepare elaborate dinner that consists of stuffed turkeys as a main course of the meal accompanied by various side dishes such as cranberries, olives and mashed potatoes. Pumpkin pie is popular dessert served on Thanksgiving Day. It has been a custom to say prayers before eating a dinner. People also put up giant balloon decoration and send greetings and gifts to near and dear ones. The celebration is often marked with family get together, fun fare and merriment.
Most people begin Thanksgiving Day by going to church in the morning to offer prayers to God. The Churches also present special service on Thanksgiving Day. Communal prayers are also held on this special day. At home, family members recite verses or prayers from bible to thank almighty God for his love and generosity. While some people take action and offer their voluntary service for the community on this day. At dinner table, people make a wish. They try to get the wishbone of the Turkey meat as it is believed that their wish will be granted by almighty God along with wishbone. People send wishes to their members of family and friends living in faraway place on Thanksgiving Day. Given below are Thanksgiving SMS which you can send to your loved ones to wish them on Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving SMS Messages and Greetings
1. Heap high the board with plenteous cheer
And gather to the feast,
Toast the sturdy Pilgrim band
Whose courage never ceased.
Happy Thanksgiving!
2. This thanksgiving may your home be
filled with the Lord loving presence
abounding in the fullness of HIS joy
and the gift of His peace
as you reflect upon the blessings
he has bestowed upon you.
3. He who thanks only with lips
Thanks in part;
True Thanksgiving
Always comes from the heart.
Happy Thanksgiving!
4. To Lord; we beg but one boon more:
Give peace in the hearts of all men living,
Provide peace to the whole world.
Happy Thanksgiving!
5. Thanksgiving is America's national chow-down feast,
The one occasion each year when,
Gluttony becomes a patriotic duty.
Happy Thanksgiving!
6. The year yields its harvest
sharing abundant blessings
may your thanksgiving be blessed
with fruitfulness and over flowing love
Happy Thanksgiving!
7. To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,
to enact gratitude is generous and noble,
but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven."
Happy Thanksgiving!
8. Grace isn't a little prayer you chant
before receiving a meal.
Rather, it's a way to live,
Being thankful to God for everything you have.
Happy Thanksgiving!
9. May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
10. Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year;
But, for an honest man, it comes as frequently as
The heart of gratitude allows.
Happy Thanksgiving!