1874 Thanksgiving Proclamation is one of the U S
Grant Thanksgiving Proclamations made by Ulysses Grant.
1874 Thanksgiving Proclamation
A PROCLAMATION by the President of the United States of America:
We are reminded by the changing seasons that it is time to pause in our
daily avocations and offer thanks to Almighty God for the mercies and
abundance of the year which is drawing to a close.
The blessings of free government continue to be vouchsafed to us; the
earth has responded to the labor of the husbandman; the land has been
free from pestilence; internal order is being maintained, and peace with
other powers has prevailed.
It is fitting that at stated periods we should cease from our
accustomed pursuits and from the turmoil of our daily lives and unite in
thankfulness for the blessings of the past and in the cultivation of
kindly feelings toward each other.
Now, therefore, recognizing these considerations, I, Ulysses S. Grant,
President of the United States, do recommend to all citizens to assemble
in their respective places of worship on Thursday, the 26th day of
November next, and express their thanks for the mercy and favor of
Almighty God, and, laying aside all political contentions and all
secular occupations, to observe such day as a day of rest, thanksgiving,
and praise.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this 27th day of October, A.D. 1874,
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