1873 Thanksgiving Proclamation is one of the U S
Grant Thanksgiving Proclamations made by Ulysses Grant.
1873 Thanksgiving Proclamation
A PROCLAMATION by the President of the United States of America:
The approaching close of another year brings with it the occasion for
renewed thanksgiving and acknowledgment to the Almighty Ruler of the
Universe for the unnumbered mercies which He has bestowed upon us.
Abundant harvests have been among the rewards of industry. With local
exceptions, health has been among the many blessings enjoyed.
Tranquility at home and peace with other nations have prevailed.
Frugal industry is regaining its merited recognition and its merited
Gradually but, under the providence of God, surely, as we trust, the
nation is recovering from the lingering results of a dreadful civil
For these and all the other mercies vouchsafed it becomes us as a
people to return heartfelt and grateful acknowledgments, and with our
thanksgiving for blessings we may unite prayers for the cessation of
local and temporary sufferings.
I therefore recommend that on Thursday, the 27th day of November next,
the people meet in their respective places of worship to make their
acknowledgments to Almighty God for His bounties and His protection, and
to offer to Him prayers for their continuance.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of
the United States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this 14th day of October, A.D. 1873,
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