Read 1784 Thanksgiving proclamation made by
United States Congress, last Thanksgiving Proclamation before George
1784 Thanksgiving Proclamation
A PROCLAMATION by the United States in Congress assembly:
Whereas it hath pleased the Supreme Ruler of the universe, of his
infinite goodness and mercy, so to calm the minds and do away the
resentments of the powers lately engaged in a most bloody and
destructive war, and to dispose their hearts towards amity and
friendship, that a general pacification hath taken place, and
particularly a Definitive Treaty of peace between the said United States
of America and his Britannic Majesty, was signed at Paris, on the 3d day
of September, in the year of our Lord 1783; the instruments of the final
ratifications of which were exchanged at Passy, on the 12th day of May,
in the year of our Lord 1784, whereby a finishing hand was put to the
great work of peace, and the freedom, sovereignty and independence of
these states, fully and completely established:
And whereas in pursuit of the great work of freedom and independence,
and the progress of the contest in which the United States of America
have been engaged, and on the success of which the dearest and most
essential rights of human nature depended, the benign interposition of
Divine Providence hath, on many occasions, been most miraculously and
abundantly manifested; and the citizens of the United States have the
greatest reason to return their most hearty and sincere praises and
thanksgiving to the God of their deliverance; whose name be praised:
Deeply impressed therefore with the sense of the mercies manifested to
these United States, and of the blessings which it hath pleased God, to
shower down on us, of our future dependence, at all times, on his power
and mercy as the only source from which so great benefits can be
We, the United States of America, in the Committee of the States
assembled, do earnestly recommend to the supreme executives of the
several states, to set apart Tuesday, the 19th day of October next, as a
day of public prayer and thanksgiving, that all the people of the United
States may then assemble in their respective churches and congregations,
to celebrate with grateful hearts, and joyful and united voices, the
mercies and praises of their all-bountiful Creator, most holy, and most
righteous! for his innumerable favors and mercies vouchsafed unto them;
more especially that he hath been graciously pleased so to conduct us
through the perils and dangers of the war, as finally to establish the
United States in freedom and independency, and to give them a name and
place among the princes and nations of the earth; that he hath raised up
great captains and men of war from amongst us, to lead our armies, and
in our greatest difficulties and distresses hath given us unanimity to
adhere to and assert our just rights and privileges;
And that he hath been most graciously pleased also, to raise up a most
powerful prince and magnanimous people, as allies, to assist us in
effectually supporting and maintaining them; that he hath been pleased
to prosper the labor of our husbandmen; that there is no famine or want
seen throughout our land: And above all, that he hath been pleased to
continue to us the light of gospel truths, and secured to us, in the
fullest manner, the rights of conscience in faith and worship.
And while our hearts overflow with gratitude, and our lips pronounce
the praises of our great and merciful Creator, that we may also offer up
our joint and fervent supplications, that it may please him of his
infinite goodness and mercy, to pardon all our sins and offenses; to
inspire with wisdom and a true sense of public good, all our public
councils; to strengthen and cement the bonds of love and affection
between all our citizens; to impress them with an earnest regard for the
public good and national faith and honor, and to teach them to improve
the days of peace by every good work; to pray that he will, in a more
especial manner, shower down his blessings on Louis the Most Christian
King our ally, to prosper his house, that his son's sons may long sit on
the throne of their ancestors, a blessing to the people entrusted to his
charge; to bless all mankind, and inspire the princes and nations of the
earth with the love of peace, that the sound of war may be heard of no
more; that he may be pleased to smile upon us, and bless our husbandry,
fishery, our commerce, and especially our schools and seminaries of
learning; and to raise up from among our youth, men eminent for virtue,
learning and piety, to his service in church and state; to cause virtue
and true religion to flourish, to give to all nations amity, peace and
concord, and to fill the world with his glory.
Done by the United States, in the Committee of the States assembled,
witness the honbl Samuel Hardy, chairman, this-- day of--, in the year
of our Lord, &c. and in the 9th of the sovereignty and independence
of the United States of America.