Cheesy pickups are a wonderful delight to serve on Children's Day. To know the recipe of how to make cheesy pickups, glance through the article.

Cheesy Pickups

Children's Day is celebrated in India to commemorate the birth anniversary of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru who served as the first Prime Minister of independent India. Born on 14th November, this national festival is celebrated with zeal and gusto throughout India. The festival marks the immense love and passion of Nehru towards children which is evident from his dedicated work towards their education and development. All the schools organize various events and activities for the kids, such as singing, dancing, fancy dress, elocutions and painting. Make your kids feel special and honored on this day by preparing some delicious snacks for them to hog on. Cheesy pickups are simply yummy and inviting. Learn how to make cheesy pickups by going through the lines below.

How To Make Cheesy Pickups

Recipe 1

Recipe 2
