Teacher's Day Books tell about teacher-student
relationships. Popular Teachers novels are ideal gifts for Teacher's
Among other books available in the market, we have a number of books dedicated to the relationship between a teacher and a student. Teacher's books generally depict the hard work and dedication with which a teacher teaches his/her students. Books about teachers are a kind of appreciation for all the teachers of the world. These kinds of books become the prized possessions of the teachers and can be often seen on their library shelf. A number of books about teachers have been adapted into movies or plays or television. One of such movies is "Goodbye, Mr. Chips".
Buying Teacher's Day Books is a great idea. Books on teacher-student relationship make ideal gifts for Teacher's Day. They reflect the fact that we understand our teachers and their contribution to our education and development. In case you do not get any specific book on teacher student relationship, you can also gift your teacher book of his favorite author, his favorite genre or the best seller of the season. You can also buy him books related to the social issues which he often guides you about. Gifting a 'Shakespeare Novel' to your literature teacher is always the best idea. We have given here few of the popular Teachers Novels from which you can select one for your teacher.
Dangerous Friend
The divine relationship between a teacher and a student is beyond comparison. Teachers affect their students' lives in a number of ways. They not just provide the academic knowledge to their disciples, but also groom them to become a better person, a responsible citizen and dig out all their inborn talents.
Goodbye, Mr Chips
Teachers help a great deal in becoming a great human being, with knowledge about various aspects of life. Teachers influence their student's life not just at academic level, but also at the personal level. They help us to choose the right path of success and influence us to become better human beings.
Never Fade Away
In our busy lives, we may not be able to connect to all those people, who have been an influential part of our lives. This is the reason why special days are dedicated to honor relations with our loved ones, including mother, father and of course, teacher.
Finishing School
Teachers play a multi-faceted role in our lives. They assume the role of a caretaker when we are kids, a strict instructor at our teenage and a pal, as we grow older. Teachers witness the way we grow and develop from childhood to adulthood. Since the formative years of our lives are spent with teachers, they get to know every change in our behavior.
To Sir With Love
Teaching is a very challenging profession to take up. One has to act responsible, mature and be knowledgeable, to impart education to others. He/she should not only pass on his/her academic knowledge, but also develop the morale of the students. It is the duty and moral responsibility of the teachers to recognize the talent of their students. In addition to this, they should also develop cordial relationship with their students.
It's A Teacher's Life!
"It's a Teacher's Life! A Collection of Poems Set in a Girl's Private School" bares to us the other side of teachers that we, as students, might not have recognised. What we thought of only as a teacher was a person, who was never tired of teaching, giving homeworks, conducting exams and doing the roll-calls. This book is a curtain-raiser to the
Losing My Faculties
"Losing My Faculties: A Teacher's Story" is not about a perfect teacher who did wonders or was charismatic. It is a true account of a regular high school teacher in his early years of teaching and his struggle to generate a great classroom setting; his efforts fell short of ideas and methods to accomplish his goal.
My Posse Don't Do Homework
The title "My Posse Don't Do Homework" itself indicates how liberal and frustrated LouAnne Johnson was as a teacher. Her career as a teacher started with a classroom composed of the most hateful students. She felt deeply for these children who, no matter how aggressive, suffered from serious defects in terms of learning, behavior and language as well.
No Child Left Behind?
A teacher is capable of making and even marring her students' careers. Apart from serving as an inspiration, "No Child Left Behind? The True Story of a Teacher's Quest" can be a guideline for aspiring teachers and educators for whom teaching is not just a profession, but a way of life. The book is about the atrocities done on those students who are not successful in terms of grades
The Missing Heart
Pinney's "The Missing Heart" is a story involving her experience as an educator and the school system in which she was employed. The story is based on real life events of a woman who is in a continuous combat with the school authorities over comprehending the students' talents and sharpening their skills, rather than trying to meet the school's regular test goals.