Greeting cards give you an option to wish those who are not around for celebrations. Read on to know about ecards for Passover.
Passover Cards
While you may be celebrating Passover in the company of your family members, friends and the loved ones, there might be some who have been separated by distance and cannot join you in the celebrations. However, you can still send them your good wishes and hope that they enjoy a happy Passover. Greeting cards present the best way to send well-meaning wishes to the celebrators. You can also give cards to everyone and not just those whom you can't meet during the Passover. Below given are some card ideas for Pesach, whihc will help you to send your wishes the right way.
Passover Cards
Homemade Cards
The best way to wish others a "Happy Passover" is by making a beautiful greeting card on your own, which shows the special effort you have taken for the receivers. For making a Passover card, all you require is a drawing sheet, colors and some skill. Fold the drawing sheet from the middle. Draw a nice and colorful paining related to the Passover theme on the outer side of the drawing sheet. You can ease the effort by collecting Passover pictures from magazines or printing them from the internet, which you can paste on the outer side of the card. Write a message inside the card and put it inside an envelope. Your Passover card is ready!
Readymade Cards
If you are in favor of giving readymade cards, you have a plethora of options to choose from. There is a wide range of Passover cards available in the stores, beginning from the more reasonable ones to the most expensive ones. You can choose the card according to your budget and likeness. Also, make sure that you write a Passover message inside the card, for the receiver. This personalizes the card and doesn't make the effort come across as impersonal and a mere formality. While buying readymade cards, one thing to watch out for is the content. It has to be meaningful and thought-provoking.
E-cards are the coolest option for those who are tech-savvy. However, the sender needs to consider whether the receiver will check his/ her mail on time or not. E-cards also open up a variety of options to choose from. There are many e-greeting websites that you can log in to find the card of your choice. Personalizing the card by adding some self-written lines is a great idea. Sending an e-card also saves you a lot of money and time, as most of the e-greeting websites are free to use.
Funny cards
Funny Passover cards are also a unique option to be tried. Passover being a religious festival, not many people will try to induce humor in their wishes. This makes the effort original and different. Funny Pesach cards will bring an instant smile on the face of the receiver, though you need to make sure not to hurt the religious sensitivities of others. Try to go for the safer options, though they may not be as funny as you would like.