Get the true essence of Passover through the traditional 'Four Questions'. A short description of the Ma Nishtana of Pesach has been given here.
Four Questions Of Passover
The Ma Nishtana, or the four traditional questions of Passover, is an age-old custom that is observed in every Seder meal. Ma Nishtana is sung by the youngest child at the table. It is actually an overview of the entire story of Passover and in fact, consists of one single question, followed by a combination of four phrases. In Hebrew, the term 'Ma Nishtana' means 'What has changed?' and is taken from the first line of the song. The recital of the 'Four Questions' takes place during the 5th step of the Pesach Seder, which is also called the Maggid. All of these four questions are included in the Holy Haggadah and are read just before the second cup of the Passover wine is filled.
The recital of the '4 Questions' is a great way to make the younger generation aware of its history and culture. It is also a means of keeping them interested in the entire Seder proceedings and making them share the different responsibilities and be a part of their rich and diverse culture. The prime aim of the Passover questions is to dwell on the sensitive issues of slavery and freedom and to explain the true meaning of the story of the Pesach to one and all. This is followed by the narration of the entire story of Exodus, which is told in an organized manner, as a series of events. Finally, the Maggid is concluded, after a description of the 10 Plagues of Pesach.
The origin of the 'Four Questions of Passover' can be traced back to the time of the Temple, in the first major work of Rabbinic Judaism called the 'Old Torah' (also called as the Mishnah). However, the original layout or the format of these questions was a little different at that time and was later reviewed and modified, taking its present form. During those days, there was a question on why only roasted meat from sacrifice is eaten. This was later replaced by a question about reclining. This way, the theme of 'four' came to be maintained during the Seder meal - the four questions, the four sons, the four cups of wine and so on.
Each of the 'Four Questions' asked during the Seder meal is structured in such a manner that it naturally arouses the curiosity and inquisitiveness of the members of the new generation. In the process of trying to seek the answer to each of the Four Questions, they end up learning about the principle symbols and the true meaning of the festival called Passover. However, apart from these four questions, Judaism also promote the general asking of questions by the members of the Jewish community, so that there is always the opportunity for every person to learn more and thus, to constantly enhance their knowledge.
Four Questions
Prior to the recital of the Four Questions, the prime or the main question is asked aloud - "Ma Nishtana ha-lahylah ha-zeh mi-kol ha-layloht?". This English translation for this is: "Why is this night different from all other nights?". This is followed by the four following phrases -
- Shebb'khol hallelot en anu matbillin afillu pa'am eḥat, vehallayla hazze sh'tei fe'amim. This means: Why is it that on all other nights we do not dip [our food] even once, but on this night we dip them twice?
- Shebb'khol hallelot anu okh'lin ḥamets umatsa, vehallayla hazze kullo matsa. This means: Why is it that on all other nights during the year, we eat either leavened bread or matza, but on this night we eat only matza?
- Shebb'khol hallelot anu okh'lin sh'ar y'rakot, vehallayla hazze maror. This means: Why is it that on all other nights we eat all kinds of vegetables, but on this night we eat bitter herbs?
- Shebb'khol hallelot anu okh'lin ben yosh'vin uven m'subbin, vehallayla hazze kullanu m'subbin. This means: Why is it that on all other nights we dine either sitting upright or reclining, but on this night we all recline?
- The fifth question which was later removed and replaced is: Shebb'khol hallelot anu okh'lin basar tsali shaluk umvushal, vehallayla hazze kullo tsali. This means: Why is it that on all other nights we eat meat roasted, either marinated, or cooked, but on this night, it is entirely roasted?
- First Answer: The green vegetables are dipped twice, one in salt water and the other in the sweet charoses. The first dip symbolizes the replacement of tears with gratefulness, while the second dip symbolizes sweetening the burden of suffering to lessen its pain.
- Second Answer: Matzah is eaten because the Hebrew ancestors could not wait for their breads to rise, while they were preparing to flee from the tyranny and oppression of the Pharaohs of Egypt. Hence, they took their bread out of their oven while it was still flat (the matzah)
- Third Answer: Maror, the bitter herb is taken in order to remind the people of the bitterness of slavery which the Hebrew ancestors endured during their stay in Egypt.
- Fourth Answer: It is necessary to recline during the Seder meal as this is a symbol of freedom in ancient times. While doing so, the people remind themselves of the glory of freedom.