Reciting spiritual poetry is a good way to express love to your mom. Go through the article and explore some spiritual poems for Mother's Day.
Spiritual Mother's Day Poems
Mother's Day is especially dedicated to God's beautiful creation - mother, because she deserves recognition and appreciation for being a significant part of our lives. It is hard to think about the world without her, because she is the creator; a person who knows only to shower unconditional love on her children and pray for their goodwill until her last breath. She is the one, who always tops the well-wisher's list. Spirituality is closely related to every mother, who prays to God for the good health and wisdom of the people around her. Mother's Day becomes an occasion to reciprocate the love, care and attention that she truly deserves. So, this time, dedicate poetry to her. Given below are some spiritual poems for mom.
To My Mother
Because I feel that, in the Heavens above,
The angels, whispering to one another,
Can find, among their burning terms of love,
None so devotional as that of “Mother,”
Therefore by that dear name I long have called you—
You who are more than mother unto me,
And fill my heart of hearts, where Death installed you,
In setting my Virginia's spirit free.
My mother—my own mother, who died early,
Was but the mother of myself; but you
Are mother to the one I loved so dearly,
And thus are dearer than the mother I knew
by that infinity with which my wife
Was dearer to my soul than its soul-life.
Edgar Allan Poe
Sonnets are full of love
Sonnets are full of love, and this my tome
Has many sonnets: so here now shall be
One sonnet more, a love sonnet, from me
To her whose heart is my heart's quiet home,
To my first Love, my Mother, on whose knee
I learnt love-lore that is not troublesome;
Whose service is my special dignity,
And she my loadstar while I go and come
And so because you love me, and because
I love you, Mother, I have woven a wreath
Of rhymes wherewith to crown your honored name:
In you not fourscore years can dim the flame
Of love, whose blessed glow transcends the laws
Of time and change and mortal life and death.
Christina Rossetti
Mother o' Mine
If I were hanged on the highest hill,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine
I know whose love would follow me still,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
If I were drowned in the deepest sea,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine
I know whose tears would come down to me,
Mother o' mine, O mother o' mine!
If I were damned of body and soul,
I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o' mine, o mother o' mine!
Rudyard Kipling