Read on to know Easter customs and traditions
around the world. Read about Easter celebration world over.
Easter Around The World
One of the holiest festivals in the Christian calendar, Easter, is celebrated around the world, with great fanfare and religious fervor. While the religious observations of the festival follow the Christian church, the basic contours of Easter celebration may vary in different countries, due to regional influences. These variations straddle almost all the aspects of Easter celebration. In the majority of countries, Easter bunny is the prominent Easter symbol, while in France, Easter fish and bells are the major Easter icons. Pre-Lent carnivals are held across the world, with Rio de Janeiro carnival being the most famous one. In many Eastern European countries, Easter egg decoration is an integral part of Easter celebrations.
However, in today's age of rampant commercialization, the religious significance of Easter is fast losing its relevance. People are increasing embracing the festive aspect of the festival and Good Friday and Easter Monday have become a welcome extension to the weekend and a chance to go on the first spring vacation. Over the years, the festival has taken the shape of a wonderful occasion to hang around with the long lost friends, close relatives and family members, and to have a lot of fun together. In our related section, know all about Easter celebrations around the world.