Read on to know about Easter traditions in USA.
Learn about Easter celebration in America.
Easter in USA
Easter is one of the most awaited Christian festivals. It is celebrated with great pomp and show throughout the world by the followers of Christian community. It is considered to be very auspicious as it is believed that this was the day when Christ resurrected after crucifixion. This day is of immense religious as well as social significance amongst the Christian community. Easter is celebrated in most of the parts of the world in a similar way, yet, some regional ritual make the celebration of one country slightly different from the other. In this article, we have explored about the Easter celebrations in USA.
Easter is celebrated in USA with traditional fervor and gaiety. Sunday church services and festive celebrations blend together during the Easter weekend. On Easter Sunday in New York and other cities, large Easter parades are held where people turn out in their fashionable outfits and trendy Easter bonnets. The person leading the parade holds Easter candle or cross in his hand. Easter festivity can be observed here in the well decorated markets and beautifully adorned homes across the city.
Easter in USA is also very much commercialized. Easter symbols like bunnies, Easter tree, Easter Eggs and Easter lamb are found in different forms during the Easter festivities throughout the market. The popular trend of Easter symbols such as the Easter bunny and egg tree were introduced to the American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s. Gradually American people took to crafts such as egg and Easter tree decoration. The book 'Egg Tree' by Katherine Milhous was credited with popularizing the custom of egg tree decoration in USA.
As in many other countries, pre-Lent carnivals are also a vital part of Easter celebration in the USA. On "Shrove Tuesday," the day before Ash Wednesday, the famous Mardi Gras (French for "Fat Tuesday") carnival is held each year in many parts of the country. It features colorful parades, jazz bands and parties where everybody dresses up and joins in the fun. Groups of people called krewes prepare decorated floats with a Mardi Gras king and queen. Though Mardi Gras is celebrated all across the country but no city does it is as nicely as New Orleans.
Easter in US is also a time to gorge on special Easter special foods such as baked ham, potatoes and vegetables. Several special recipes are made at each home. Easter parties are also organized where traditional Easter delicacies are served and people enjoy wonderful get together along with Easter games and music. Easter day in USA has also been a popular wedding day in the country. Many couples in USA tie nuptial knot on this day as this day is considered to be auspicious.