Religious songs can endow a devout touch to Father's Day celebrations. Go through the lyrics of popular Christian Father's Day songs.
Christian Father's Day Songs
If you want to thank your dad in some different way on this Father's Day, then a religious touch to the celebrations will be the best way to acknowledge fatherhood. Playing or singing religious songs for your dad will be a wonderful way of appreciating the sacrifices of your dad. You can even gift him a CD containing Christian Father's Day songs. Or you can also sing some religious Father's Day Songs for your dad. Your father will definitely admire this gift of yours on Father's Day. Below we have provided few lyrics of Christian Father's Day songs that contain the essence of fatherhood.
Religious Songs For Father's Day
Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds
Let children hear the mighty deeds
Which God performed of old;
Which in our younger years we saw,
And which our fathers told.
He bids us make His glories known,
His works of power and grace;
And we'll convey His wonders down
Through every rising race.
Our lips shall tell them to our sons,
And they again to theirs;
That generations yet unborn
May teach them to their heirs.
Thus shall they learn in God alone
Their hope securely stands,
That they may ne'er forget His works,
But practice His commands.
Author - Unknown
Father's Eye
I may not be every mother's dream for her little girl
And my face may not grace the mind of everyone in the world
But that's all right as long as I can have one wish I pray
When people look inside my life, I want to hear them say
She's got her Father's eyes, her Father's eyes
Eyes that find the good in things
When good is not around
Eyes that find the source of help
When help just can't be found
Eyes full of compassion, seeing every pain
Knowin' what you're going through, and feeling it the same
Just like my Father's eyes
My Father's eyes
My Father's eyes
Just like my Father's eyes
And on that day when we will pay for all the deeds we have done
Good and bad they'll all be had to see by everyone
And when you're called to stand and tell just what you saw in me
More than anything I know, I want your words to be
- By Gary Chapman
O Father, All Creating
O Father, all creating,
Whose wisdom, love, and power
First bound two lives together
In Eden's primal hour,
Today to these Thy children
Thine earliest gifts renew,
A home by Thee made happy,
A love by Thee kept true.
O Savior, Guest most bounteous
Of old in Galilee,
Vouchsafe today Thy presence
With these who call on Thee;
Their store of earthly gladness
Transform to heavenly wine,
And teach them, in the tasting,
To know the gift is Thine.
O Spirit of the Father,
Breathe on them from above,
So mighty in Thy pureness,
So tender in Thy love;
That, guarded by Thy presence,
From sin and strife kept free,
Their lives may own Thy guidance,
Their hearts be ruled by Thee.
Except Thou build it, Father,
The house is built in vain;
Except Thou, Savior, bless it,
The joy will turn to pain;
But naught can break the union
Of hearts in Thee made one;
And love Thy Spirit hallows
Is endless love begun.
Author - Unknown