Matzah balls are a kosher food eaten at Passover. Check out the recipes given here and know how to make matzo balls.

Matzah Balls

Matzah balls are a type of dumpling that is made by combining matzah meal with egg, oil and seasonings. This combination is to make a sticky dough, which is molded in the shape of small balls, known as matzah balls. The matzah balls are then cooked in a liquid of choice, to make soup. Many consider these dumplings to be a type of Jewish comfort food. Matzo balls are commonly served at Passover, as they conform to the dietary rules of the festival. They are available in the stores, though the balls can be very easily made at home as well. Read on to know how to make Matzah balls.

Matzah Balls Recipe

Matzah Ball Soup Recipe
