When a student graduates, at end of year, a
teacher feels some emotions. Hare are Graduation Poems from teacher
at the time of farewell.
Graduation Poem From Teacher
Since teachers are bestowed with the responsibility of nourishing their students, to make them become a better person, a responsible citizen and an ideal son/daughter, the happiness of achieving a distinction is not just limited to the students, but also to the teachers, who prepare them for the merit. As a teacher, you would want to express your happiness to your students, who have achieved any kind of success in their studies, for instance, have graduated. Dedicating a poetry would be the best bet, in such a situation, because poetic lines best describe the expression of warmth. If you are searching for graduation poems that best convey your happiness, do not look further; go through the following lines.
Farewell Poems By Teachers
One Hundred Years From Now
One Hundred Years from now
It will not matter
What kind of car I drove,
What kind of house I lived in,
How much money was in my bank account
Nor what my clothes looked like.
But, the world may be a better place, because
I was important in the life of a child.
- Forest Witcraft
To My class
To my class,
I'm glad I was your teacher
I've come to love you so.
I can't believe the end is here.
I hate to see you go.
Remember all the fun we had
In all the things we did,
But, most of all remember...
You're a very special kid!
- Author Unknown
Cheers To You
Cheers to you, you did it now,
When times you thought you'd not�
You made it through, the grueling days,
Of which there were a lot.
You gained insight, and on your way,
You put up a good fight�
And now you're done, as you set out,
Your goal is now in sight.
- Author Unknown
Congratulations On Your Graduation
Congratulations on your graduation,
Opening a door not easily reached!
Now go through it: on the other side
Great mountains become hills, and then just fields
Rolling eastward towards a rising sun.
All now is success and celebration,
The music of deeds done and barriers breached.
Underneath, uncertainties still glide
Lean and hungry as the sweet day yields,
And golden moments through your fingers run.
The rock on which you stand is your creation,
Illustrating what your teachers preached
Of learning and the provenance of pride.
Nor need you fear the wind, as knowledge shields
Such as earn it from what storms may come.
- Author Unknown
This Year Is Done
This year is done, the work behind, and now you go on out,
Pursue careers you've learned the scope, of things that go about�
In daily life as all grown up
And on your own you leave,
Home and school and parent's arms,
Now by yourself - achieve.
And when you have your sights all set,
Apply your new found mind�
Try to make your way and let,
The wonders that you find�
Keep you on an even keel,
On the ladder you must climb.
- Author Unknown