Here are given the lyrics of a Chanuka theme song titled 'Shalom Children'.
Shalom Children
Songs are very essential for the mental and emotional well-being of an individual. They promote a feeling of relaxation and help loosen any tensed or jittered nerves. They also help you to connect with your inner self, transcending all physical and mental barriers and thereby generating peace within and around you. Hanukkah is a festival of merry-making, fun and enjoyment. It is celebrated to commemorate the rededication of the Holy Temple at Jerusalem. Hence, the entire festival is about felling and making others feel good. It is for this sole reason that songs are incorporated in the festive celebrations. So much importance is given to this aspect of the festival that it has become almost customary for followers and believers to sing the traditional Hanukkah songs during the get-togethers and festive parties. One such interesting and fun song is 'Shalom Children'. The entire song carries a very happy note, which definitely helps a person get into the true spirit of the season. In the following lines, we have provided the lyrics of this song, just for you.
Shalom Children Song
Shalom Yeladim (children)
Shalom Yeladim B'ruchim Haba'im
A happy Chanukah to everyone
Hello children B'ruchim Haba'im
Let's sing together, we'll have lots of fun.
Chanukah is here "Hurray"
Chanu - they rested on "Chaf Hey"
Menorahs shining, latkes (dumplings) frying
Dreidels spin away.
Come children let's sing about the nissim (miracles)
That happened in Eretz Yisroel
Come Yeladim let's sing about the nissim
So wonderful a story we'll retell.
We'll sing about a jug so small
For eight days we lit its oil
How did it last time and again
Thank You God, Thank You Hashem.
It happened in the days of the Maccabees
Mattisyahu and his sons
Shimon, Yehuda Hamacabi
Elazar, Yochanon and Yonason.
Around my Daddy we all stand
He holds the candle in his hand
And says the blessing loud and clear
With a joy, we all can hear.
Around my Daddy we all stand
He holds the candle in his hand
And says the blessing loud and clear
Eight nights every year.
From far Yevanim came, they came with so much might
With elephants that were trained to fight
The Greeks, Yevanim came, they came with so much might
With great big elephants, oh what a fright.
Round and round our Dreidels spin
Who can guess who will win
On which letter will it fall
Nun, Gimmel, Heh or Shin.
We'll sing of how we light
From the left and not the right
And at which time of the night
And the blessings we're supposed to say.
We'll sing of how we light
And that we say the Hallel every day.
In the night our candles glow
They shine for everyone to know
That a ness (miracle) so very great Happened long ago.
In the night our candles glow
They shine for everyone to know
God still watches over us
Just like years ago.