Here are given the lyrics of a fun song for Hanukka titled 'Maoz Tzur'.
Maoz Tzur
Dedicated to the rededication and reinstallation of the Holy Temple at Jerusalem, after the famous Maccabean Revolt of 2nd century BC, Hanukkah is a festival of lights and merriment. The entire festival is about spreading the message of love and affection. Believers and followers start preparing for the festival months ahead and everybody waits in anticipation for the occasion to arrive. Children are especially thrilled during the eight-day celebration, as they received wonderful festive gifts like chocolate gelts and get to sample delicious and mouthwatering Hanukkah dishes. Adults, on the other hand, have their own distinct way of celebrating the festival. They decorate their houses and yards with beautiful decorative lights and ornies, light the auspicious Menorah, recite phrases from the Holy Hallel, and so on. Another one of the important customs associated with the festival involves singing traditional Hanukkah songs.
Hanukkah songs are a way of expressing one's gratitude and appreciation towards the Lord, for the miraculous eight days when the wicks of the Menorah burned constantly without fail, although there was oil enough to last one day only. Apart from the songs written in the local dialect, a number of English songs like the 'Driedel' are also sung by the devotees. Moreover, the English translations of the songs are also available nowadays. Hence, it becomes very easy to understand accurately the exact meaning of the songs. One such beautiful song is the 'Maoz Tzur'. The way in which the lyricist has presented the song is really amazing. The entire song is written and sung in praise of the Lord, who helped Jews defeat their enemies and restore the Holy Temple. Here are given the lyrics of the song. Read on and dwell on the amazing words written by the lyricist, to honor the glorious occasion of Hanukkah.
Maoz Tzur Song
Maoz tzur yeshua-si
Lecha na-eh li-sha-beyach
Tikone bais ti-fee-lasi
Vi-sham todah ni-za-beyach.
Li-ase ta-chin mat-beyach
Mee-tzar ham-na-beyach
Az eg-more vi-sheer meez-mor
Chanukas ha-meez-beyach
Az eg-more vi-sheer meez-mor
Chanukas ha-meez-beyach.
O Rock of my salvation, with delight we praise You.
Restore the Temple where we will bring offerings.
When You will eliminate our enemies,
Then I shall sing at the rededication.