A nice way to surprise you grandfather would be by dedicating him a poem, on Father's Day. Learn some poetry for grandpa on Father's Day.
Father's Day Poems For Grandpa
Poetry is one of the best mediums of expression. In selective words, poems convey to a person the deep felt emotions and feelings. Though Father's Day is exclusively celebrate to honor and pat tribute to all the dads, the day also gives us the chance to thank and pay reverence to our father's father, i.e., our granddad. This Father's Day, surprise your grandfather by dedicating him a poem. You can either recite the poem or even pen it down in a handmade card. In the following lines, we have provided impressive Father's Day
poems for your grandpa.
Father Day Poetry For Grandfather
To my wonderful grandfather
Who has given me so much
You've guided my life
With your loving touch
I can't begin to tell you
What it means to have a grandfather like you
The guidance you give me
Always pulls me through
- Anonymous
Grandfathers Are Fathers Who Are Grand
Grandfathers are fathers, who are grand,
Restoring the sense that our most precious things
Are those that do not change much over time.
No love of childhood is more sublime,
Demanding little, giving on demand,
Far more inclined than most to grant the wings
Allowing us to reach enchanted lands.
Though grandfathers must serve as second fathers,
Helping out with young and restless hearts,
Each has all the patience wisdom brings,
Remembering our passions more than others,
Soothing us with old and well-honed arts!
- Nicholas Gordon
You're More To Me
You're more to me than my grandfather
You are also my best friend
You're always there for me
For an ear or a shoulder to lend
You're the first to hear of my joys
It's you I go to if I've had a bad day
I love you more than I have words
To express myself or say
- Anonymous
My Granddaddy, My Best Friend
The one that is my friend,
The one that is my guide.
How much I love, and how much I care,
Is too much to describe.
You've always been my hero.
You've always been me pride.
You've always given so much love,
And shown what's deep inside.
My heart is full of love.
And my soul is all delight.
You're the one who sang me to sleep,
and whispered nighty night.
And everyday I pray to God,
I thank him for sending you,
Because you're the one who wrote me the song,
And made all my dreams come true!
- Lauren E. Garner
I'm Thankful For You
You brighten up my life
With memories so fond
When I reach out
You always respond
You're someone I can count on
When I need a helping hand
You're compassionate and loving
You always understand
Oh yes you have your
Off days too
However those days
Are but numbered few
I'm so thankful to have
A grandfather like you
There is no other
Who could fill your shoes
- Anonymous
Definition Of Grandpa
Having an answer for every question
Understanding more than I ever knew,
Glad to help relieve any form of stress,
Happy no matter what there was to do.
Placing fake bets on silly horse races,
And always with a smile,
Trying so hard to make everyone happy,
Regardless of an extra mile.
Intentions always on the good side,
Careful to always say the right thing,
Knowing more than we'll ever know, but
Maybe he's above us with a pair of wings.
Unlimited love to us he gave,
Living life one day at a time,
Having difficulties to overcome
Oh, if life were as easy as rhyme.
Leaving us wasn't his choice at all
Loving us forever was,
And in our hearts he remains,
Never again to leave us.
Dearest Grandpa, you're always missed and are forever loved.
- Bobbie R. Bringold