World Teacher's Day history and origin consists
in inauguration of 5th October by UNeSCO as World Teachers Day in
World Teacher's Day History
World Teacher's Day is celebrated all across the globe on 5th October, every year. The day came to be celebrated for the first time in the year 1994 and since then, it has been observed by 100 countries in the world. On this day, teachers are honored for their immense contribution towards the education and development of children. It is celebrated by over 100 countries in the world aided by the efforts of education International to appreciate the efforts of teachers and express gratitude towards them.
World Teacher's days aims to mobiles support for the teachers across the world and ensure that the needs of future generations are efficiently met by them. The day seeks to acknowledge the dedication and commitment of the teachers of the world towards their profession. It origin is associated with the adoption of "Recommendation concerning the status of teachers". The day came into existence due to the concerted efforts of education International, a global union federation of teachers' trade unions.
On 5th October 1966, the teachers of the world took a giant leap forward. A Special Intergovernmental Conference adopted the UNeSCO/ILO "Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers". This Recommendation, for the first time ever, gave teachers, throughout the world, an instrument that defined their responsibilities and asserted their rights. On 5th October 1994, UNeSCO inaugurated World Teacher's Day. This day was selected to commemorate the adoption of UNeSCO/ILO joint Recommendation.
World Teacher's Day lays emphasis on the achievements and contributions of the teachers around the world. The efforts of education International and its 348 member organizations have led to the wide spread recognition of World Teacher's Day. every year, eI launches a public awareness campaign to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession. This is so because it believes that World Teacher's Day should be internationally recognized and celebrated around the world