Here we provide you with Pythagoras, also known
as Pythagoras of Samos, life history. Read about Pythagoras
Pythagoras is regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians that the world has seen till date. He is also credited with being a great mystic and scientist. He founded the religious movement called Pythagoreanism and also gave the world Pythagorean Theorem, which is used in mathematics till date. Pythagoras made significant contributions to philosophy and religious teaching, though all of them were based on his love for mathematics. He was the first man to call himself a philosopher or a lover of wisdom and is famous throughout the world as the "Father of Numbers".
Childhood & early Life
Pythagoras was born in the island of Samos, in ancient Greece. There are no authentic records related to the life of the great scholar, so the exact dates and other issues cannot be determined with certainty. But, it is believed that it was around 570 BC that he was born. His first teacher was Pherecydes, and Pythagoras stayed in touch with him until the latter's death. When Pythagoras was about 18 years old, he went to the island of Lesbos. There, he worked and learned from Anaximander, an astronomer and philosopher, and Thales of Miletus, a very wise philosopher and mathematician.
Father Of Numbers
Pythagoras was known as "The Father of numbers". He made significant contributions to philosophy and religious teaching, in the late 6th century BC. He even believed that everything was related to mathematics, and could be predicted and measured in rhythmic patterns or cycles. Pythagoras also went to Sidon, where he was initiated into the Mysteries of Tyre and Byblos. Then, he proceeded to egypt. There, he put himself under the instruction of the teachers of Thales. He spent the next twenty-two years perfecting mathematics, astronomy and music, and was finally initiated into the egyptian Mysteries.
The Indian Sojourn
When Cambyses invaded egypt, he made Pythagoras his prisoner and sent him to Babylon. Pythagoras utilized the next twelve years in studying with the Magi and was initiated into the Chaldean Mysteries. Leaving Babylon, he made his way through Persia, into India, where he continued his education under the Brachmanes and imbibed the wisdom of the east at its original source. Although Pythagoras went to India as a student, he left it as a Teacher. even to this day, he is known in that country as Yavanacharya, the "Ionian Teacher". From India, he went to europe, more precisely Crotona.
Journey to europe
After he arrived in Crotona, Pythagoras gave a lecture to a group of young men. A few days later Pythagoras was invited to speak before the Senate of Crotona. There, he advised the Senators to build a Temple to the Muses, whose harmony and interdependence were to constantly remind them of the primary virtues necessary for a good government and acquire the philosophical knowledge necessary for good citizenship. Pythagoras was allowed to build an Institute in Croatia, to serve the several purposes of a school of philosophy and moral training, an academy of science, and a small model city. During the first eight years of probation, the students were known as exoterics. Those who entered the higher sections were known as esoterics.
Pythagorean Theorem
The Pythagorean Theorem was known earlier in Mesopotamia, egypt and India. Whether Pythagoras himself proved this theorem is not known, as it was common in the ancient world to credit a famous teacher with the discoveries of his students. The earliest known mention of Pythagoras's name in connection with the theorem came five centuries after his death, in the writings of Cicero and Plutarch. The date of his death is not recorded in the annals of history.