Here is provided information on the Hanukkah/Hanukah tradition of reciting candle lighting blessings.
Hanukkah Candle Lighting Blessings
Hanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights, which is celebrated for eight days, by lighting a special candelabrum called menorah. The festival commemorates the victory of Maccabees, over the Hellenistic Syrians. As per the Jewish tradition, the number of candles to be lit depends on the day of the festival, proceeding to eight lights on the last i.e. eighth night. People also light an extra light throughout the festival, called the shamash. This light prohibits the people from using the Hanukkah lights for any purpose other than meditating on the festival's original story. Hanukkah lights are lit mainly to illuminate outside of the house, so that the passer-bys can see them and recall the Hanukkah story.
On the first night of Hanukkah, people light one light on the right side of the Menorah. Next night, a light is placed to the left of the first light. Thus, they go on lighting the light from right to left and the number goes on increasing per day. On each night, first the leftmost candle is lit and then the lighting proceeds towards right. Jews recite the blessings either before or after the candles are lit, as per the tradition. All the members of the family gather around the menorah to recite the blessings. There are typical three blessings that have to be recited during the eight days of the festival. On the first night, all the three blessings are recited, while on the other nights, only the first two are recited. Read on to find the Hanukkah candle light blessings.
Blessing 1
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us by His commandments, and has commanded us to kindle the lights of Hanukkah.
Sfaradi/Modern Israeli:
Barukh Atta Adonay Eloheynu Melekh Ha-olam Asher Kiddeshanu Be-mitsvotav Ve-tsivanu Lehadlik Ner Shel khanuka
Common Ashkenazi (Western Europe, Belorussia, Baltic Republics):
Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom Asher Kiddeshonu Be-mitsvoysov Ve-tsivonu Lehadlik Neyr Shel khanuko
South Ashkenazi (Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Moldavia):
Burikh Atu Adoynoy Eloyhayni Melekh Hu-oylum Asher Kiddeshuni Be-mitsvoysuv Ve-tsivuni Lehadlik Nayr Shel khaniku
Blessing 2
Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, who wrought miracles for our fathers in days of old, at this season.
Sfaradi/Modern Israeli:
Barukh Atta Adonay Eloheynu Melekh Ha-olam She-asa Nissim La-avoteynu Ba-yyamim Ha-hem Ba-zzman Ha-zze
Common Ashkenazi (Western Europe, Belorussia, Baltic Republics):
Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom She-oso Nissim La-avoseynu Ba-yyomim Ho-heym Ba-zzman Ha-zze
South Ashkenazi (Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Moldavia):
Burikh Atu Adoynoy Eloyhayni Melekh Hu-oylum She-usu Nissim La-avosayni Ba-yyumim Hu-haym Ba-zzman Ha-zze
Blessing 3
This is recited only once and it takes place at the time when the menorah is lit for the first time.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has kept us alive, and has preserved us, and enabled us to reach this time.
Sefaradi/Modern Israeli:
Barukh Atta Adonay Eloheynu Melekh Ha-olam She-hekheyanu Ve-kiymanu Ve-higgi'anu La-zzman Ha-zze
Common Ashkenazi (Western Europe, Belorussia, Baltic Republics):
Borukh Ato Adoynoy Eloyheynu Melekh Ho-oylom She-hekheyonu Ve-kiymonu Ve-higgi'onu La-zzman Ha-zze
South Ashkenazi (Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Moldavia):
Burikh Atu Adoynoy Eloyhayni Melekh Hu-oylum She-hekheyuni Ve-