The world, at times, on its own decided to go around much doting grandmothers. Read your way through this article to for a generous dosage of grandmother birthday poems.
Poems for Grandmother's Birthday
There are cookies in the jar and you know you are exceptionally fond of those delectable, chocolate treats. However, just before your mother steps out of the house, she warns you not have a single bite of those heavenly discs. Your mother then goes on to leave home, an hour passes, and before you know it, you have given into the tempting calls of temptation. The cookie jar, from being almost full, is now almost empty. You begin to panic; the weight of the crime hits you harder as time passes by. Now, hold on, if you knew anything about saving yourself from the clutches of trouble, you would simply run to your grandma. She sure can help bail you out, who knows, by baking a fresh batch of cookies or by standing up for you against your 'mighty mother'. Such is the love of a grandmother and on her birthday, don't you think she deserves the most loving words. Read on to gain access to poems that help usher in and celebrate a grandmother's birthday!
Grandma's Birthday Poems
To Grandma, With Love
I love you grandma, quite a lot,
A world without you, would mean nothing but not,
You're patient, fun and much more than kind,
Your love for me, it's only there to bind,
You hug me when I'm down and sad,
You love me even though I'm bad,
Since this day has been made for you,
It's the best day to say, I love you,
You are more than wonderful, it's true.
Much Love
The other day I spilt some jam on her brand new couch,
But all she did was stare at it and blurt out 'Ouch',
I once even lost my toothbrush and broke a glass,
But with my grandma around, all I heard was 'Alas',
My feet are almost always bare, I look like quite a disgrace,
But my grandma, oh, she doesn't really care,
She's almost always busy, but then she takes a look at the knots in my hair,
One, two, three and four, she drops everything; my hair is now her only care,
When I'm grown and possibly on my own and when visits do get rare,
In the entire world, I'd never forget dear Grandma, the love with so much care
This for you is your day, I've only this to say,
Happy Birthday, From you, I'd never want to be far far away!
On The Wings Of An Angel
My oh-so-precious Grandma, I've always wondered where you keep your wings,
Do you hang them in your closet, with each of your other things?
Or, do you just put them away when no one's looking and use them only at night,
Maybe you just give them away to the stars, to polish them up oh-so-bright,
In any case, I'm positive you have wings; it surely must be true,
'Cause God always give them to angels like you, who are but oh-so-few
Heart Of Hearts
My grandmother is quite a remarkable woman,
She's a unique combination of warmth, kindness laughter and love
She ignores each and every one of my faults, helps me pursue my dreams,
She lauds my every success; she means nothing but the world to me,
My grandmother is blessed with the wisdom of a great teacher, maybe even a great preacher,
She is as sincere as my truest friend, and showers unconditional love, like a mother,
She's my everything, I admire her, respect her, and love her much too much,
In my heart, dearest grandma, you will always be, the dearest one to me,
You are the most precious person in my life, you really are,
The shining star, the crazy diamond, with a light shines oh-so-far,
My dearest grandma, heart of hearts, here's wishing you a very happy birthday,
Your love and memories, for me, I'm hoping are here to stay.
There you go, that's that, poems for your grandma. These are just samples, if you believe you are creative enough; try your hands at penning down a few lines for your dearest grandma.