You do know that there is such a thing like grandparents day, but do you know a thing or two about it? Browse through this article for the history of grandparent's day.
History of Grandparents Day
There's Independence Day, there's Martyr's Day, why, there is even your birthday, all of these days are days you all are too familiar with. Unfortunately, when it boils down to a day such as 'Grandparent's Day', just a handful of people have heard about, while a lot fewer choose to celebrate it. It's a sad situation don't you think? If you care enough to make an interesting observation, you will realize that you wouldn't really be a part of this wonderful world if it wasn't for your grandparents. Grandparents are all things nice, sugar, spice and ice too. Think about it, you might have an issue with your overtly strict parent, but then, grandparents, God bless them, are nothing but boons, angels on earth if you will. It is because of this that it was decided to set aside a day for grandparents. This day, world over, is known as 'grandparent's day'. Go right ahead and read on for access to information on the history of grandparent's day!
The History Behind Grandparents Day
The Founder
Not very many are familiar with the fact that a lady named Marian McQuade was responsible for the existence of 'grandparent's day'. In fact, Marian McQuade can easily be considered the lady who actually founded the day. If it wasn't for her, well, there might have never been a day such as Grandparent's Day. However, a day as important as this did not just come to be randomly. There actually exists a story behind it.
The Story
As you already know, it all began with Marian McQuade. McQuade was born in Caperton, West Virginia on January 18th, 1917. She was born Marian Lucille Herndon. She was most noted when she was serving on the 'West Virginia Commission' and also the 'Nursing Home Licensing Board'. Marian McQuade made it her life's mission to ensure that the elderly or senior citizens were not forgotten entities. She took upon herself the task of ensuring that old people from being almost social rejects were turned into people who deserved to be celebrated. To add fuel to her efforts, she decided to set one day aside for grandparents. This day was to be known officially as 'Grandparents Day'. Marian Mc Quade, although just a housewife from West Virginia, put in quite a lot of efforts to get every other American state including West Virginia to embrace the day as a day to be celebrated. Her efforts finally paid off when the then President of the United States of America, President Jimmy Carter declared to not only his country, but the world, that the first Sunday after Labor Day would be celebrated as grandparents day. This declaration was made in the year 1978. As a mother, Marian McQuade had the challenging duty of bringing up not one, not two, but fifteen children of her own. In spite of facing such a challenge, Marian McQuade was successful in doing what she did for the elderly of her time and age. Fortunately, the seeds she sowed resulted in bountiful harvest, which to this very day helps grandparents get their due share of importance and love.
The Celebrations
World over, there are quite a number of things that are done to celebrate grandparents day, but the ultimate goal of such celebrations is to focus on celebrating grandparents. Otherwise 'busy' people spend quality time with their grandparents, listen to their stories of old and give them gifts. Some folks even throw parties for their grandparents and make sure that everyone at the party including the grandparents has a whale of time. It sure is a great feeling to make someone who always makes you feel good, feel good every once in a while. Some people even go out of their way to write poems and messages for their grandparents that help express their love for their elders. Grandparent's day protocol, however, dictates that you give your grandparents something special on grandparent's day. This something special can be just about anything and doesn't necessarily need to be in the singular. You get it, don't you? You after all don't want to be the kind of person who does not let your grandparents know how much you adore them. Go ahead, celebrate 'grandparent's day', but don't let that one day stop you from showering love on your grandparents for the rest of the year.
Now that you are done with the history behind grandparent's day, don't hold back when it comes to showering your elders with love, care and concern.