Run through these Boss's Day messages and send a surprise SMS to your boss. Explore this piece to know a few unique boss SMSs.
Boss SMS
The trend of text messaging has caught on quickly not just with youngsters, but even with elders. Looking at the popularity of text messages, most of the mobile networking companies have come up with bulk messaging packages and other offers that have made SMS a lot cheaper than what they initially were. Be it your friends, family, office co-workers or boss, text messaging has become a convenient way of staying connected. With messages, creativity too got a fillip and people came up with texts suited for every occasion and purpose. It also serves as a great medium to interact with those whom you may not have a lot to talk about, nonetheless wish to convey your thoughts and feelings. Take your boss for instance. The professional workplace milieu may not make it easy for you to interact with your boss. However, nothing makes it easier to spread joy than to send an exquisite SMS to him/her. And if its Boss's Day, you have all the more reason to wish them and affirm your feelings for them. Your boss is solely responsible for you and your work and as you make special arrangements for him/her, do not forget to wish him/her with the popular way of SMS. The following list of some wonderful and hilarious text messages will help you with your search.
SMS For Bosses
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
We are the 1st option! Happy Boss's Day to you!
I can no other answer make,
but, thanks, and thanks.
Happy Boss Day!
The smallest act of kindness is worth
more than the grandest intention.
Thanks for helping me always.
Happy Boss Day!
The only people with whom you should try to
get even are those who have helped you.
For me, you are one such person.
Happy Boss Day!
You're everything I wish to be
You mean all the world to me.
I'm so glad we celebrate this day yearly
Because you're the greatest boss and I
Love you dearly
Now that all of this butt-kissing
Is through
You'll give me a raise if you know
What's good for you?
A wish for you on BOSS DAY
Hope today is especially
Filled with the special
Kind of Niceness
You always bring to work
Happy Boss's Day!
Arguing with your Boss is Like Wrestling
With a Donkey in the Mud.
After some Time
You Will Realize that
You are Getting Dirty and the Donkey is Enjoying it.
Happy Boss Day
Some people think Boss's Day is a just a way to try to get in good with the boss.
I promise I would never do that to anyone as smart, respected, and gifted as you.
Have a great one.
Leadership isn't a skill, it's a talent
we appreciate how you always give your
best and inspire us to do the same.
We're glad to work with you.
Happy Boss's Day.
SMS 10
Thank you for praising good work
thank you for leading by example
thank you for caring about us and what we do.
Thank you for being so terrific to work for.
Happy Boss's Day!
SMS 11
May your day be touched with sunshine
your heart overflow with love
and your soul sing with hope.
SMS 12
May everything in your life sparkle
with a radiance that
comes only from happiness.
Happy Boss Day
SMS 13
I feel a very unusual sensation
if it is not indigestion
I think it must be gratitude.
That too, for you. Happy Boss Day!
SMS 14
One can pay back the loan of gold,
but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind.
You are one such person for me. Happy Boss Day!
SMS 15
The world's a better place, because of folk like you.
Who take the time to do nice things, the way you always do.
Happy Boss Day!
SMS 16
Thank you much more than a greeting can say. Because you were thoughtful, in such a nice way! Happy Boss Day!
I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom. Happy Boss Day!
Use any of these Boss's Day SMSs to humor and make your boss feel out of the ordinary on this very unique day.