Kamada Ekadasi vrat helps in redeeming one's sins. Read this article to know the story of Kamda Ekadashi fasting and how to observe the same.
Kamada Ekadasi Vrat
Kamada Ekadasi is the first Ekadashi in a Hindu year and considered to be the most auspicious among all the Ekadashi rituals. Also known as Kamda Ekadashi, this Ekadashi falls in the month of Chaitra during the waxing phase of the moon (Shukla Paksha) according to the traditional Hindu calendar. The followers of this ritual believe that observing a fast on this day will assist in getting rid of all sins and guilt that are a result of lust and help in regaining and increasing virtue. Apart from the washing of the sins, observing this Ekadashi vrat is also believed to bless a couple with a son, those desiring for one since a long time. Know all about the story of Kamada Ekadashi vrat and the procedure for practicing it.
How To Observe Kamda Ekadashi Vrat
The story of Kamada Ekadashi dates back to a couple named Lalit and Lalitha. While Lalit was a Gandharva, Lalitha was an apsara. Exceptionally good dancers and singers, the couple performed in the court of King Pundarika in Ratnapur. On one occasion, Lalit was asked to deliver a solo performance but he loved his wife so much that this separation could just not be tolerated. Hence, Lalit made numerous mistakes in his performance. The king was informed about this, thanks to one of the courtiers. Irritated, the king cursed Lalit for being overwhelmed by his wife's love. Lalit was turned into an ugly looking demon.
The king thought that Lalitha would dump his demon husband. Instead, Lalitha immediately came to the king and informed that she would never forsake her husband come what may. The couple set out to find a solution to this curse. One day, they passed by an ashram of Sage Sringi. The entire tale was retold to the sage who then asked the couple to observe the Kamada Ekadashi vrat on this day. As directed, the couple observed the fast and thus, Lalit was relieved from the curse and returned to his normal self. Hence, all religious Hindu devotees observe this vrat on the pretext of getting their desires and wished fulfilled while getting their sins washed away.