A number of rituals and traditions are observed on Makar Sankranti. Check out the article to know all about Makar Sankranti customs.

Makar Sankranti Customs

Makar Sankranti is an important Hindu festival celebrated with religious fervor in almost all parts of India. The festival is celebrated to mark the beginning of the bountiful harvest season after few months of chilly winter. It falls on January 14, every year, as per the Solar calendar. Both geographic and religious significance are associated with the festival. On the day, Sun begins to travel northwards, by leaving the Tropic of Cancer in order to enter the Tropic of Capricorn (corresponding to the zodiac sign 'Makar' meaning Capricorn). The traditions observed during the festival are different according to different regions of India. Read on to get information about the rituals of Makar Sankranti.

Makar Sankranti Customs & Traditions