Basant Panchami songs are mostly sung during the colorful festival of Basant Panchami. To get the lyrics of a few songs, read the article on.

Basant Panchami Songs

Spring is a season when nature blooms and flourishes. The earth replenishes itself with new leaves and saplings. The arrival of the season is marked by the celebration of Basant Panchami. Basant means the season of spring and Panchami denotes the fifth day of the month. Girls dress themselves up in nice ethnic clothes, swings are tied on the trees and folk songs are sung. These songs are now replaced with Bollywood songs, though the theme and spirit of the songs remain the same. The people who sing these songs and make merry are mostly girls as this festival is observed mainly by young girls in their teens and early adulthood. Here is a list of a few songs which are popularly sung by the crowd during this festival. Read on!

Basant Panchami Songs Lyrics